Welcome to my place.....
Nice to meet you. I am Grace. Miyabi. Current issue:
Friday, February 26, 2010

(TREASURE by Fahrenheit)
Fahrenheit is singing Japanese songs.....EVERYONE is singing Japanese songs.....as always...Wu Chun sings out of tune.......seriously this is horrible......>.<
Speaking of failing groups Johnny's Entertainment.....HEY SAY JUMP sucks!!!
(sorry mira...but they really do)
They just couldnt live up to their senpai's name!!!!
SMAP, Arashi, NeWs, Tackey and Tsubasa, KAt-TUN!!! They are aLLL AWESOME!!!!!
I Hate Ryosuke too much to like HEY SAY JUMP......and chinen is getting less cute by the day.....
The latest MV by Kanjani8 is SMASHING!! Kichu!!!
Yo!!! Yamapi!!!!

Nowadays.....you look very different yamapi.
U're eyes show something that I couldnt decipher....something dark....kowai yo.....
MY right eye is red.....and i can see a ring of green around my pupil and a little ring of white outside it.....I dont know if tats normal or not............My eyes feel strained and tired......REading about so many people getting eye cancer isnt doing any good to my nerves.......WAAA!!!!.sniff sniff
Anyways, random updates:
~haha!! I went on youtube and saw that there's even japanese translated Taylor Swift songs....cool!!!~Nowadays, I find myself downloading korean songs.......and well....korean-sang japanese songs coz they're MVs are so cool!!! dont let my sister know...or else she'll never speak to me again in another millenia......(Koe wo Kikasete by Big Bang)
~Tho I try but i could never finish listening to a complete song sang by Michael Jackson....I could only listen to the chorus part....It's so catchy!!!!
~I just downloaded "Fall in LOve" by Thelma Aoyama feat BiG BanG.
~Studying A levels seem to have blunted my ability to connect sentences....damn.. i have BGIC opening speech to prepare for .... I need my writing skills to stay..!!!! Dont run away from me!!
~Went to Asohraya Driving school to complain about my 'sickly' teacher....she always seems to be 'sick' whenever its my lesson time and when she calls her voice sound more happy than sick to me.....
so Im gonna start the lessons with another tcher on 13 march...oh..joy....ITS BEEN DELAYED FOR SO LONG!!!! I FEEL LIKE KILLING HER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even suh yi got her driving license olredi
and she only just turned 18 last december......3 months after my birthday......GGGGGRRRR RAWRRRRR......
~ Today's a holiday....:)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Should I or Should I not.......
Dearest Yamapi,
They say time can heal...but my heart is still broken....
seeing him everyday just keeps re-opening the wound on my heart......
Its hopeless....i cant surpress the feelings that I have for him...
I think that I should tell him...but what use is tat?
What exactly could I get from doing that??
Me feeling relieved tat he finally knows the secret i've kept for so long.....
or me stripped of my pride.
..and being ridiculed at as revenge for the 'rejection' last time i imposed on him?.........
I didnt reject him.......those words just blurted out of my mouth....
I never had anyone confessing to me.....NEVER...
I was ugly and FAT. The last guy i had a crush on didnt even knew tat i existed.......
What shld i do yamapi???? Telll me.....Im confused........
I still care about him.....somehow...maybe not as deeply as b4...
.but his sadness still radiate thru and hit my heart like waves,
drowning all my intension of being oblivious to eveything abt him.....
He still talks to me tho...at times...he would come over,
sit down and talk to me....tats all i want from him...his company..
.Im content with tat, with spending my time with him...but sometimes..
.i just feel tat he likes to make me sad and break my heart, my pride in every way...
........I want to tell him how i feel but im afraid of being hurt.....
...im afraid of facing his eyes and cringe under his hatred..............
....wat shld i do?? Some one help me out.....
And there's a VERY annoying stalker.............
..wat shld i do to shake him off..
ying said tat I shld just return those goddamn flowers back to him........
nothing received, nothing to give....capish....
2moro is mira's birthday....Time passes by so quickly............
I feel like the only way of solving this problem is to get a boyfren...
and then tat go forsaken STALKER would evaporate....
well i hope tat he'll be capable of doing that given tat he has so much extra body mass.....EURRGGGG
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Dearest Yamapi,
This year's valentine is filled with sorrow and pain. Breakups and deaths hung over the two happy days like shadows........
Im getting tired of being a councellor all the time.....I dont mind listening to people talk one in a while but PLEASE do not go to my room, sit on my bed aand just start talking as if im a bartender or stg...I need my space my own private time to STUDY!!!!!!!!! OK???
Mundokshai.............so annoying............ppl who dont get it....thinking tat they are the ONLY ones who have problems???? As if I dont have ENUF to handle??
Haizzzz God give me strength an wisdom to pull thru this year, to live thru these days..............
Well at least !!! Im happy its CNY. I had my first driving lesson today!!! Yea!! I know how to reverse the car now haha!!!!! and we're supposed to learn to drive manual cars.....x.x