Yo!!! Yamapi!!!!

Nowadays.....you look very different yamapi.
U're eyes show something that I couldnt decipher....something dark....kowai yo.....
MY right eye is red.....and i can see a ring of green around my pupil and a little ring of white outside it.....I dont know if tats normal or not............My eyes feel strained and tired......REading about so many people getting eye cancer isnt doing any good to my nerves.......WAAA!!!!.sniff sniff
Anyways, random updates:
~haha!! I went on youtube and saw that there's even japanese translated Taylor Swift songs....cool!!!~Nowadays, I find myself downloading korean songs.......and well....korean-sang japanese songs coz they're MVs are so cool!!! dont let my sister know...or else she'll never speak to me again in another millenia......(Koe wo Kikasete by Big Bang)
~Tho I try but i could never finish listening to a complete song sang by Michael Jackson....I could only listen to the chorus part....It's so catchy!!!!
~I just downloaded "Fall in LOve" by Thelma Aoyama feat BiG BanG.
~Studying A levels seem to have blunted my ability to connect sentences....damn.. i have BGIC opening speech to prepare for .... I need my writing skills to stay..!!!! Dont run away from me!!
~Went to Asohraya Driving school to complain about my 'sickly' teacher....she always seems to be 'sick' whenever its my lesson time and when she calls her voice sound more happy than sick to me.....
so Im gonna start the lessons with another tcher on 13 march...oh..joy....ITS BEEN DELAYED FOR SO LONG!!!! I FEEL LIKE KILLING HER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even suh yi got her driving license olredi
and she only just turned 18 last december......3 months after my birthday......GGGGGRRRR RAWRRRRR......
~ Today's a holiday....:)
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