Saturday, October 25, 2008


Damn...I feel so frustrated.

And turned bulimic.

I swallowed a couple of greeen broccoli and

a few strands of soggy beef noodles

should hav just threw it out the window like Yamapi did.

Lately,is the single publishing fever...

~~~~~~22/10 Hey Say JUMP~~~~Mayonaka no Shadow Boy ----

~~~~~~19/11 NEWS~~~~~~~~~~Colour ----------------------

~~~~~~03/12 KAT-TUN~~~~~~~White X'mas--------------

I'll insert the Hey Say JUMP single here
Hey Say! JUMP - Mayonaka no Shadow Boy.rar >

chinen Pictures, Images and Photos

Credits to: Aipop

~~~~Have you ever wondered from where or when marriage started??

Friday, October 24, 2008

Mood:: Gearing up to study!!!


Just had a refreshing shower! Now I feel humid......
I just got a few things to say today:

~~~~~~~~~~1. On 27/10 -I have BM K1 and BM K2 & POA P1
~~~~~~~~~~2. On 7/11 - Going to attend the Vienna Orchestra at ICC.~~
~~~~~~~~~~3. After the exams, we're going to move into another house
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (again...This is the 10th time we moved) !!!

Kenshin Blink Pictures, Images and Photos Oro??.......~

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Biology PracticaLs....


Tadaima!! I'm back from school and feeling very dazy and HoT~~

The BioPrac. today was quite okay for me. But many of my classmates did B.A.D. o_o

Kerry, NiSa, Von, Herng missed the Last Question..Darn I think the examiners did that on purpose. The last Q was inserted in the last page. In a moment of haste, many missed or forgotten abt it...

This year's prac is quita easy. 2008 5090/3/ Biology
~~~~~~~~~~~~Q1 is about investigating the cooling of 2 animals (cups)

~~~~~~~~~~~~Q2 is about the differences btwn a banana and cucumber.

U know wat?? I finally figured out the differences btwn KAT-TUN and NEWS.

KAT-TUNs let u want to loose yourself...
~~~~~~~~~~~NEWS songs makes u want to find yourself .


~~~JAPANESE DAITE songs~~~

Boy Version~~~Yamashita Tomohisa ( Daite Senorita)

Girl Version~~~ Morning Musume 1998 (DAITE Hold on me)

Want to listen?? Just search thru mymusic playlist in the main page!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

On this Day, This is the moment

DEAREST YAMAPI!! Ohayo Gozaimasu!! (Wake up, sleepyhead)

Today is a beautiful morning. Basked in the sublime tangerine rays of the sun, I feel happy and hopeful. I am going to make it today...I am going to be very careful in my Chemistry Practicals!!

Ah..~~ How I love the feel of having a routine life. When i wake up in the morning, I meditate, shower, revise some notes ,eat breakfast and prepare to go to school. All at my own pace...hehe ~~So loVely~

Of course I could only enjoy such privelages during the three days of Practicals I have. The other days..I have to wake up early and take off early. (But I will make the best of it , dont worry.)

Ne~~ Wish me Good Luck Yamapi~~!! :>

I'm hungry.. ja~~ I'm gonna go fix mon Breakfast!!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday sleezze

Yo!! DEAREST Yamapi!!,

One more day and the Battle begins...........

LOL.. I'm not sure if I am ready yet. But I guess I am. I think my character changed a lot ever since I crossed into senior years. In my junior years, there's a voice inside my head tat keeps reminding me that I should know this, memorize that or completed these by now. But now that voice is gone...only silence is left behind. I feel lost...I'm not sure what to do, when to do or how to do things anymore (Darn it, my sista's phone is vibrating none stop...) I seems that I'm lost at a piece of wood.

~~~~JuZ now I saw Herng's brother and Mabel dating at SupaSave (they disappeared after seeing me)~~~~

Do you want to see ~kaT-tun'S HITOTsu No ShiNinG StaR!~

It's just a view outside my window.But it looks so romantic that night (It was a blackout.)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mood: Serious

Damn.....I've been kicked out of my room.......... again......I think I really need to write an Ultimatum to keep my sanity in tact.. Or else I'll just blow like a fuse and start slashing everybody's throat....

But...It's bad to keep vengeance in one's heart, for some, however, vengeance is their only reason to continue living on in this cruel world. Like a shadow behind the light, they lurk around corners, hating and preparing to lash out at their enemies...

Tat darn HGC denied our request to extend our study leave ... Damn... Daikirai..ano onore no hito..Chung Ching School is starting their study leave today.

The only study leave we're granted are:

Form 5- 4 days

Form 3 - 2days

At school, our class is divided into 4 groups/ clans. Namely, the Benkyo~ clan, the Play-Play clan, and Mag clan.

Benkyo~clan sits in front and listens intently (or seem to) to the teacher teaching.

Play-play clan members consists of boys. They like to make nuisance of out of themselves and drive our hardworking teachers up the wall.

The Mag clan may sometimes be heard thousands of miles away. Eventhough the maximum displacement btwn THe Benkyo clan and them if a measly 1m. Well, u got to give them credit. Afterall, they are all studying very hard too... Studying Magazines that is...(Seventeen, Qawaii, Women's weekly....)
hehe...苦笑。劝君莫惜金缕衣, 劝君惜取少年时。


古人劝我们这些小萝卜头 要珍惜时间,为何我们不尊受呢?人云亦云。人心易 随风飘, 唯有心灵坚韧者才能听到于自己真心的话。

Friday, October 3, 2008

Amazed at our fate.....


见到你即开心, 但也稍微感到伤心。


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mood: Bored, Torn


WoW!! Malay cuisine can REAlly be SO Oishii!!!

Kirei desu ne~ (These cakes cost B$150.00++)

DAMN....I feel like shit today....(gomen ne~~~) Just emmm 19 days left to GCE "O" Levels Examinations... I think I'll be Alrite....ima wa ~Dont feel IMMENSE Pressure. Strangely.. I like Add. maths but I HATE D.Maths... Well, maybe it's becoz of the t'cher...Koolemo~

Kyo wa Samishii desu... Most of the Malay families have went home 'Balik Kampung~ So, the roads were empty this morning when we went for a morning walk around K.B town. Strangely enough I feel kinda Happy when I'm out of bed and walkin in the streets. But before that you can hardly pull me out of bed.. It just felt SO Comfortable under the sheets.. HEhe :>

Talkin of comfortable... I've watched a video recently about a competition between the Tokyo.Jr And the Kansai.Jr that took place ...emm... about 8 years ago. Yamapi, Ryo , Yuu Yokoyama, Tackey, Tsubasa, Jimmy Mackey and some others had to compete against one another in a dancing(fr 3hrs without H2O) and running marathon (5 km without mizu~) , a 110 mins of sauna without water, and at the end of the day (at night) they had to compete who would stay awake for the longest time.

Hehe.. ne~ Ryo Looks like a lion, So KAWAii Ne~~and I got to see Yamapi sleeping ..

Then, I thought that I could stay awake the whole night just to watch him sleep~~( I hope Yamapi doesn't read this!)

I'm thinking of Buying "Kurosagi".. and "Code Blue"...