Dearest Yamapi,
There are several things that one should never tell your mother.
No.1 THe Big 'C'.
Haizzzz why do I always end up telling her eveything that I did, including bad or naughty things??? T.T Im TOO honest for my own sake.
When I told her abt the big 'C', she almost fainted (exaggerating) just like last time when Jonathan Sia offered to send me home after a tiring day at the padang. (I was in Form 2 and he is Ting's bf at that time) Haizzzz.......what can i say? but pure stupidity to myself?

To other NEWS,
WE HAD A PIZZA PARTY TODAY AT SCHOOL!!! MUAhahahahahah!!! It was a reali cool and fun day at school! WE ordered from Pizza Hut and played cards and dare(generated from mira's PSP) hahahaha
AND AZIMAH is wonder woman!!! she DROVE to school with a cast on her left leg!!! SO AMAZING! and she only got her license two weeks ago! hahah but she's not so good at reversing the car so Rif got in to help her reverse and man.....he's a better driver than I am!!!! (he's a year younger than me) WAAAA!!!!! I was sitting on the front passenger seat by the way
Chris's poledance was epic~~~!!!! ;)
and Rif confessed!!! hahahahahahhaha well, I wish all the luck for him!! when the time came, he asked me to get mira away. I tried to but tat gurl is so KY!!! AAAARRRRGGGGG I tried to tell her to give the guy and Yau some privacy but no.. she had to run back to yau...Sceaming "YAU......!!!!!!" All the way.(In front of the library)
Haizzzz then suddenly shin mei the savior came and pulled mira away saying the obvious as its the only thing tat can get to her.....(shakes head)
U know....recently I started to feel that my dad doesnt like me....i know its stupid or ungrateful fr saying that but i just cant help it. When I asked my sister if she noticed tat nowadays dad is reali impatient when he brings us out to buy some grogeries. she said "no" with a reali surpirised look on her face. well, tat figures cause my sister is my dad's precious daughter. ( He loves her more than me, yea i admit jealous as hell...) My dad's just reali distant more so nowadays I wonder why, when I tried to talk, he stays silent or only give a few comments. The only time when he would talk at length is when we are on the topic of "STUDIES" or "UNIVERSITY APPLICATION" its like a damn program or stg....cyborg with no compasssion..Im so sad and lost. I dunno wat to believe anymore.
PS: the B started a convo on msn himself.....its the first time in history ( Today must me my LUCKY or UNLUCKY day)