Done and DUsted......but not so...
Its too late to apologize. Wats been said is said, wats been done is gone. Wats left is an empty heart that craves for a new filling. A filling that could offer comfort, warmth and happiness...People say time heals the broken heart....but how long do i need?
How long does it take for me to forget u?
How long would be until its ok to read love stories and not cry suddenly all because u fill the same as the portrayed character.......having a painful unrequited love?
How much time do i need before the scar is healed, and i can tell my story without crying my eyes out of self pity but laughing my head off at my own silliness...??
How come in the stories when the main characters are being treated wrongly would get justice in the end.....the person she/he loves would finally realise how wrong they were to treat someone like tat and start to love the other person....?
Its unsettling...and sad....
YaMaPI me out.......T.T
Im going to heed ur advices and GET ME A REAL MAN!!!!!
PSST Gurls I recommend this book for u its GOOD!!!!! haha
I know he's a gay guy but doesnt tat just adds flavour?? ;)