Welcome to my place.....
Nice to meet you. I am Grace. Miyabi. Current issue:
Friday, June 26, 2009
Six months had just fly past me~~~
Yo Yamapi!!! Sashiburi ne~~~
Just two more weeks left of schooL!! Then comes the long-awaited summer holidays!! It's as long as 7 weeks man!! so long...I think i would rot with boredom in Brunei! Man, living in the Boarding House has changed lot of my perspectives. For one, I learn tat the world can become very complicated if u met the wrong ppl, ppl who are dominated by jealousy, power-seeking intentions, lust.......
Strange...I hate the feeling of losing a friend...to distance myself from my friend for the sake of the person they like....i hate that feeling.. i feel crushed inside, strange and intruding. JUst because he's a guy and i am a girl.
I still cant believe that Michael Jackson has passed away....he will be a legend and immortal in the hearts of many.

I may be taking SATs...sounds hard....make me feel like i dont want to grow up yet... there's research to do abt which uni I am going...Personal statements + essays to write and perfect....Application dates to chase after...chemistry, physics and Biology to study...so much....in less than 18 months...this is the turning point of my life... It's NoW or Never!
Ne~~ just watched KaT-TUN Queen of Pirates Concert DVD!!! Yeap its FINALLy in Malaysia, I hope it would be in Brunei soon....
WANTED..... Kame + Jin!! Muahahahahah!!!!!!!!
Yamapi was the Guest to KAT-TUN's Concert this time!! yeah!!