YAY!!!!!!! Meccha HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!
Dearest Diary.....................
Yo!! I'm back from JIS!!!! I'm on holiday and so happy!! HEHE
It have been a really tiring week, I fell straight into a deep slumber after I jumped onto my bed yesterday. man, it never feel so nice to just forget everything and sleep my worries and fatigue away.
I almost drowned in the morning during swimming class yesterday. Our PE teacher, Miss Mizuno asked us to swim from the shallow to deep region. Which was why i panicked when i saw the drop into deep blue waters and my legs were beginning to feel sore.. my lungs cannot get enough air!! I feel like giving up but i cant just stop and have someone to pull me out. I'm alone in the pool struggling, heart racing, lungs straining for air and muscles screaming protests at me....

I gave up half way and stopped my freestlyle stride and resorted to the 'dog paddling' to reach the wall. Man, at that moment, I have never hated anything more than swimming. I mean, why would I like to deliberately put my life into danger??
Amira kept saying that I should feel confident and at ease when I'm swimming. But whenever I see that deep drop ... I just freak out!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wont if Im a mermaid!!!
This morning, I watched two movies!!!!! THE Deep End Of THe Ocean Andd STARduSt!!!!!!!!!!1They're SUPERB!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me + my sis boththink that the guy who starred as the brother in the first movie should be EDward Cullen ... instead of that ugly guy in Twilight.