Damn.....I've been kicked out of my room.......... again......I think I really need to write an Ultimatum to keep my sanity in tact.. Or else I'll just blow like a fuse and start slashing everybody's throat....
But...It's bad to keep vengeance in one's heart, for some, however, vengeance is their only reason to continue living on in this cruel world. Like a shadow behind the light, they lurk around corners, hating and preparing to lash out at their enemies...
Tat darn HGC denied our request to extend our study leave ... Damn... Daikirai..ano onore no hito..Chung Ching School is starting their study leave today.

The only study leave we're granted are:
Form 5- 4 days
Form 3 - 2days
At school, our class is divided into 4 groups/ clans. Namely, the
Benkyo~ clan, the Play-Play clan, and Mag clan.
Benkyo~clan sits in front and listens intently (or seem to) to the teacher teaching.

Play-play clan members consists of boys. They like to make nuisance of out of themselves and drive our
hardworking teachers up the wall.

The Mag clan may sometimes be heard thousands of miles away. Eventhough the maximum displacement btwn THe
Benkyo clan and them if a measly 1m. Well, u got to give them credit. Afterall, they are all studying very hard too... Studying
Magazines that is...(
Seventeen, Qawaii, Women's weekly....)
hehe...苦笑。劝君莫惜金缕衣, 劝君惜取少年时。

古人劝我们这些小萝卜头 要珍惜时间,为何我们不尊受呢?人云亦云。人心易 随风飘, 唯有心灵坚韧者才能听到于自己真心的话。