Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In June, In Kuching

Visit to KucHing in June.

We went to The Spring (at long last!!).
It looks REALLy nice and sunny outside. There's all kinds of delightful restaurants, cafes, boutiques, and shops of all kinds. INCLUDING

SOck'S WORlD. StaRBucKs.

And also the BIG APPLe, Their Donuts are REALLy Good!! Try de 'MangoPeach' & 'The Alien" Emm..YUMMy

Take a Look at this CAr!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

ABSolute Boyfriend

Absolute Boyfriend

I just finished watching the series....sniff...It's such a touching Story...
The drama is a bit different from the manga series... I prefer the drama.

Boring Sunday.....

I've decided to name you Cherry poptart ,how but tat? or would you be Yamapi?? ....I wanted to call you Yamapi... cause it sounds cute..but it fels like I'm using Yamapi's name...and creating enemies of his fans around the world....

Dame...Dame yo.....

Anyway, Hav i told u about 'the encounter' yesterday? Well, it was nothing too serious really... My sis & I was just terrorized by a flat, black and fast cockroach.
It was REALLY disgusting...I HATE Cockroaches...

Still 9 moredays of PUASA..hehe the tamu pasar is still on-going. Kimochi-ne. The evening breeze feels So cool.There are pots and pots of flowers on sale..So beautiful.

Hehe..Did u hear that the CUTE Gareh GAtes.KAWAII!! ne~