HAPPY Valentine's DAy..
Hello dearest yamapi,
I have to say that today is the loneliest day of my life.
BUt after a long, hot shower and a piece of lovely vegetarian lagsana from my roomie. I'm feeling as happy as dew again.

Today is tuesday. I have a Social Psychology class in the morning at 10 a.m. And then an evening class for W.O.C: Food from 5.30 p.m to 8.30 p.m. The evening lecture was quite fascinating. Prof Fenster wanted to show us how much salt is present in chicken soup noodles (the instant noodle type) by using a simple bulb electric circuit. He suggested that we put on our sunglasses before he dunked the wires in..................and he wasn't kidding.
I guess Valentine's Day is a day that people would hate until they found someone they love. (Including me)
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