Start of a new term.....HOORAY and .....T.T
Hello there! Yamapi!
My sister asked me once...what if Yamapi saw this blog of yours...what would he think? Most probably some crazy over-obssesed fan-girl who writes all her love letters on a blog..C.R.E.E.P.Y. But hey, I'm not THAT creepy seriously. ok so going back to my old boring school life...hhhmmmm well its not THAT boring. It just lack the flavor of spice and suspense that most novels offer. I mean hey come on...who would have a life that is THAT interesting? Well certainly not all of us. I'm still waiting for my life to begin! =D But most probably olredi is...sad isnt it? I've always wanted to go on an adventure or something but life just doesnt work out that way....WE have to work from dawn to dusk, from young to old. Wasting away our youth and grow old and leathery and iiiiieeeeewwwww. Dont even want to picture it...I wanna be in a world like Fairy Tail or Bleach or Pokemon (ok admit it all used-to-be pokemon fans...didnt'/don't you?) Well I have to confess that I was hooked on to Pokemon recently and I was watching Episode 1 of SEason 1 when Ash got Pikachu!! I was almost crying....T.T NOW THATS what im talking about!!! QUALITY the pokemon white series...SUCKS BALLS. Tho the game is quite fun....(yes i play the game, but i stopped when school began) I LOVE MY SAMUROTT!! I think its SO handsome!! I would like to be reborn as a female samurott if thats possible!! WAIT FOR ME my handsome future-hubby!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ahem ahem....ok back to reality..........

I like my Anatomy prof!! He is a funny guy and that makes the classes SUPER interesting. Yesterday we had our first lab. It was situated in the Strathcona Dentistry building (I apologize to all readers who arent in McGill since you wouldnt have a clue where this is) Well to paint a picture of the building for looks like those old medieval castle corridoors. There are busts of famous doctors/dentists who have done deed in their glory days. THe lecture rooms have deep red, soft plushy chairs. THe walls are constructed with deep mahogony and the lights have a yellowish tinge. Nice place for a suspense movie!! wohhooo!
oh right back to the lab...when we first entered....we were all SHOCKED!! Coz in front of us stood rows of dead bodies...yes..dead bodies covered in green cloth...THEY ARE CADABRAzz~!!!! for medicine students to operate on!!! that moment i felt a rush of adrenaline!! YES thats what I want to do!! BE MEDICAL STUDENTS wohhooo! My hands ae icthing to pull of the overs but then again when I saw their feet..I feel a wave a nausea hit me. too soon ...Grace ...keep yourself together. But to most of our dismay, we wont be touching those bodies...oh drats.
And in other news....I LOVE my PHGY 314 prof!! She's so proper and has a easy to listen to voice. And everytime when she is trying to explain something difficult she would offer this apologic smile that lights up her whole face ...hahaha i like her.
I dont really like my BIOC prof tho.......she was being bitchy to me today...i was shocked..i was asking a question about muscles and AMPK then she said did you get my slides, I thought she asked if I understood her slides so i said No rather quickly and she said well, if you got them then you would understand coz there are diagrams in there...see?(smile) Then I was thinking WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE THEN? FOR YOU TO TELL ME IF I GOT UR SLIDES? OBVIOUSLY ITS BECOZ I DIDNT UNDERSTAND WHATS ON HER SLIDES.......OMFG .but oh well profs are ppl too and not ALL of them are nice like me. lol jk jk
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