Saturday, July 23, 2011

FUCK THEM ALLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FUCK THEM ALLL!!!!!!!!!!!

Dearest Yamapi!!

Ok. Its not that I am as angry as the title seem but then again its just a bunch of pent up emotions. How I hate it when I am talking with a bunch of frens and there's just this one person who doesn't make eye contact with me when she is talking. What the hell does that mean ha? Am I not significant enough? Or do you not like me? THEN GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE! Why are you still staying here huh? Oh right, You're too poor to afford looking for a new place or getting decent food for yourself and you have your freaking classes to attend to and my house is at the strategically perfect place (on campus, 15 minutes away from school). And you can never agree with the things I do and the things I say or the things I like and dislike....WTF GO FUCK YOUR SELF YOU STUPID BITCH. Damn I don't like her at all. And she thinks she is SO ~ SMART. SMART MY ASS LA. Just to show off and get attention la. YES I AM ALWAYS COMPLAINING ABOUT LIFE SO WHAT? I LIKE WHAT I AM DOING SO CAN'T YOU JUST AGREE WITH ME AND BITCH ALONG TOO? NO~ YOU JUST HAVE TO SHOW THAT YOU'RE SUPERIOR BY SHOOTING ALL MY OPINIONS DOWN, AND MAKE ME FEEL EXCLUDED IN A CONVERSATION. Well, let me tell you something, you just made an enemy out of me. and you can go fuck yourself and your fat ass. I hated you the moment you said :" You're so asian" when I was covering my mouth and nose from cigarette smoke. WEll excuse me from wanting to preventing myself from extracting lung cancer. I do sincerely apologize for shutting out all harmful substances from gaining more access into my body and cause mutatons in my biological pathways and cause cancer.


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