ComMent des au vont~~~~
Ok.. I dunno if that's correct. The French Words just poped out of my head. I suddenly had a desire to learn French!!!! Man, I missed learning new languages. If I could I would love to continue learning my Japanese in UBD. Although I just live rite opposite UBD, I still cant go there to attend my lessons... how sad.~ kanashii~~
Damn....I hate it. When I finally convinced my parents to let me wear contacts....i flunked it... I cant wear it. I tried. but hey man, the contacts prescribed for me is for Astigmatism.. so is BIGGER that the normal contact lens. I kept telling my dad that but he just kept saying "Yeah rite...., if u cant wear it don't!" but I feel reali angry and dejected....It's so unfair!!!! I wanna wear a normal contact lens but i cant...... haizzzz thinking about that juz gives me the creeps... my siter was practically freaked out watching me try my best to open my eyelids and stick that lens in. If the radius of the normal cantact lens is 2 cm, the radius for the astigmatism must be 3.o~3.5 or something..
Yea!! Ninetales!

I kept thinking about that..... I kept thinking that i shld buy it ad try it at home.....Well , at least my mom's happy... she's practically bouncing on her feet when I said I can't do it..
I'm such a coward..... man, I feel horrible.......snifff.... and to think I was so excited about finally getting rid of my glasses....... I sick and tired of staying behind them and having limited vision all the time... especially when I do sports..... Sh*t.....
but AT LEAST I've found something I like... finally~~!!
I guss I'll Be stuck with Glasses for eternity...........wHY.....Why!!!!!!!!! Study time ..... Nomenclature test tomorrow..
Hontou ni Gomen ne~ Yamapi..All I ever could talk about is unhappy things.....ReGrET..... PaIn... loNeliNesS...Tainted FrienDshipS......... Mutual FreNships..... But I hope things would get better.... I reali do..I'm reading a reali cool book now.. AVATARS,so this is how it ends. Yes I know its another of those end of the world thing but its reali exiting and packed of unexpected twist, and adventures. Omoishiro ne~~~~
In less than two years I'll be leaving this country,
to embark on another journey to find myself,
I'll realli miss him...ano hito that I ever reali liked... but I never told him... as much as I wanted to be his fren.. to get to know him...there's always something holding me back...its just a one sided thing I guess.....its painful being with someone you like but he's oblivious to wat u feel .... worse if he started going out with someone else or never reali liked u or treat u as a fren.but I often wonder .... wat would happen if I confessed my feelings... how would he react?? would he accept me or avoid me like i have bird flu or sonmething(i think the second option is more likely tho).... haizzz u'll never know and would never know...I think i'm becoming an expert at hiding my affection from ppl...well...maybe..but definately not my temper. He's in Katong now!!!! For heaven's sake!!! I'll never have the chance to see him again... much less tell him..... so stupid....totemo baka~... I feel like singing ~ Unbreak My Heart ~ or some sad love song... someone give me a Hug!!
Yea!! Yamapi looks so brotherly haha. Oguri looks squasheD!! How I would love to be that guy nearest to Yamapi!! haha (I think he is Nino)~Kawaii~~

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