YO People I'm back from the dead!!!
I've just risen from the grave on Valentine's DAy....... Hai!!! My dearest FRENS + FANS!!!!! Hahahaahaha!!!
I know... It's been so long .... a month and two weeks .. at J.I.S I feel isolated from the rest ofthe world tho. J.I.S. is like a castle, a self-sustainable little community ...a busy community bursting full of interesting activities and people!!!

LAst night was so AweSOMMMEEEE !!!!!XXXX The Baze Nightclub was so cool~~~ But d event was terriby boring tho... We'e trapped in there for 4 hours and blasted by music from all sides. We, the three 12Js felt so out of place, like a fish out of water. We didnt know how to dance and didnt want to b seen sitting there doing nothing. Azimah + me + soong ying sticked together. but sometimes me AND azimah would sneak away to give edmund a chance. hehe~~

We'll there's a REAL idiot in our class who thinks he's the smartest & coolest guy alive on Earth. all My classmates dislike him very much. Its SO HARd to work with him on a school project....he dictates everything. Wen Yii just keeps saying " Shut the fuck up!" to him ... but she might as well have been talking to the wall.
AND...he's in the same RED house as me!!! Last thursday, he costed our chance of victory at the Sprint Maths competition. Well, as always he was doing "a one man show" again. Running to retrieve the quiz papers and doing the questions first before his other team mates have the chance to glimpse at the questions and rushing off to the judges with his answers!!!!!!!!!!! Man, Idislike tat guy. But due to some rotten unknown luck, I seem to always end up in the same group as he... fudge..
Lol Happy Valentines DAy PPl

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